Wednesday, January 24, 2007

To deviate briefly from the interesting discussions posted about our readings I would like to focus rather on the assignments due next week, as I believe the gravity of Sean's post pertains, in part, to our assignment.

As I approach the topic of my research for the assignment, I cannot help but question the definition (. . .once again. . .) of nonfiction. To present this dgital technology and how it pertains to the changing world of writing, a working definition for nonfiction, specifically nonfiction in the digitized world needs to be had, at least for me.

The way I will define nonfiiction for this particular assignment will be as any writing truthful or not that relies on reality, that is, facts, occurances, times, and anything grounded in the happenings of our world to state opinion, proffer commentary, or simply relay such happenings.

It is with this very shaky yet stable oxymoronic definition of nonfiction that I will examine a new digitized venue for such writing and how such writing maybe shaped in the future to accomidate the perhaps changed needs and wants of the user. Further, it is my opinion that other disciplines, as Sean suggests, that other disciplines, such as media, and webdesign are in a better position to control the audience of the internet age, as more and more websites are relying on mediums other than writing. This leads me back to one of my initial concerns approaching this class and internet culture: who is actually controlling the creative liscence on the internet? Is the writer's, who throughout the history of writing have wielded ultimate creative control, or is it now the webdesigners who are always creating new and appealing ways to interact with the internet.

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