Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I gathered from the readings that the more education someone had, the more likely they are to use the internet. I have had a theory about this running around in my head for a while, but the statistics (although they are quite dated) seem to show that to be true.

Those who grew up with the internet are more literate that the older generations that may have been lucky to receive an 8th grade education where they were. I have read articles suggesting that the kids of today aren't reading as much as they should, and the authors cite the internet as the problem. They suggested that because kids can click on a picture, they are not wanting to read as much any more. I would have to disagree with that school of thought. Navigating a web page does have certain elements of design which are inherrant (links, a title, etc.), but if someone has to push a button to try to get where they want to go too many times, they are more likely to give up than to keep clicking links.

I found it funny that the creators of Google crashed Stanford's internet while they were building Google because of bandwidth issues.

That is enough from me for one day. I will try to be less long-winded in my later posts.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

I would actually agree with that. I don't think kids are getting the education they should be getting today. It is all about the new technologies, how to get things faster, easier. And although these things are fantastic, and I enjoy them myself, I think kids are starting to rely too much on them. Someone brought up in class that some kids are using IM or text message speech in their writing and they are using unreliable sources. I know eventually they will be taught what is right, but I can't help but wonder if it is just going to get worse. I saw a movie called "Idiocracy" a few weeks ago, and for those of you who haven't seen it, it is about someone in the army who gets frozen in an experiment and due to an accident wakes up in 2025. The world has been dumbed down so much at this point that the number one show on tv is some guy getting kicked in the balls and they are watering their crops with a gatorade like substance and don't understand why the crops aren't growing. Infact, Carl's Junior is even digital in this world. They push a button on a screen and out pops their food. This guy ends up being the smartest man alive. Although that is an extreme example, I'm afraid that is where we are heading.