Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I found this story in Yahoo! news talking about a novel that is composed entirely of text messages. It found it interesting that the author created a print novel composed of text messages. If you would like to read the story yourself, follow the link below.

Text Message Novel

I don't have time to search out the text, but I have an interest in Finland, as I lived there for a couple years of my life. If anyone has the time to check into finding a text sample, I might be able to translate part of it.


1 comment:

tom peele said...

that is a fascination publication -- thanks for sharing it with us. i find it intriguing that it was, apparently, published in print form. print literacy still seems to be significantly more legitimate than online literacy, even when the subject is about online literacy and the genre could only have developed (I think) in the context of online literacy.