Tuesday, March 13, 2007

John Whalen, “The Mayhem is the Message”

This article basically sums up the idea of "Cultural Jamming," which is in essence a returning attack on advertising (be it on the internet through spam, or on billboards seen while driving down the highway) which involves altering content of the original advertisement. Joe Matheny, is one such "troublemaker" with the rain of frogs on Bill Clinton's website, who was rewarded with multiple automated thank-yous. Ham radio jammers are another example of these culture jammers, including examples of "foul-mouthed Mickey Mouse impersonations and other audio filth."
Digital-age jamming examples include the following: pirating radio and TV, computer hacking, media hoaxing, and counterfeit desktop publishing to name just a few. There are many names applied to this form of communication including: media vandalism, "clueless asshole-ism", and as they term themselves dissidents of mainstream media. One of the more interesting aspects of the article is the BLF, or Billboard Liberation Front, that makes massive printouts to edit billboard text or simply to add a blemish or many. Jack Napier, of the BLF, mentions that they "don't damage the property. I don't want to cut billboards down. It's just that I'm kind of tired of being communicated to constantly by advertisers who wane me to buy their product." I can't agree more with what they are doing, this advertising is very annoying, especially flash-based ads on the internet (which aren't too difficult to defeat).

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